According to The Call of the Wild, what can you conclude about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley?

(1 point)

It was harsh and difficult.
It was harsh and difficult.

It was happy and easy.
It was happy and easy.

It was hard work and boring.

It was happy and easy.

Based on the information provided in The Call of the Wild, you can conclude that Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley was harsh and difficult.

To determine the conclusion about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley according to The Call of the Wild, you should refer to the content of the book. One way to find this information is by reading the relevant section of the book, specifically focusing on passages that describe Buck's experiences in the Santa Clara Valley. By examining these passages and analyzing the events and details described, you can form an understanding of how Buck's life was in this setting.

Additionally, you can consider the character development and interactions between Buck and other characters in the book to gain further insight into his experiences in the Santa Clara Valley.

Once you have gathered relevant information and formed your conclusion, you can choose the response that best matches your interpretation.