Why do authors use personification? (1 point) Responses They want to create an image in the reader’s mind. They want to create an image in the reader’s mind. They want to provide a literal description of an object. They want to provide a literal description of an object. They think objects are people in disguise. They think objects are people in disguise. They want to show that people are more important than objects.

They want to create an image in the reader’s mind.

Authors use personification for a variety of reasons. One main reason is that they want to create an image or evoke a specific emotion in the reader's mind. By attributing human qualities to non-human objects or ideas, authors can make them more relatable and engaging for the reader. Personification can also help to emphasize a particular aspect or characteristic of the object being described. It is not about providing a literal description of an object or believing that objects are people in disguise. Additionally, personification does not necessarily imply that people are more important than objects, but rather serves as a literary device to enhance the text.

Authors use personification because they want to create a more vivid and engaging reading experience for the audience. Personification is a literary device where non-human objects or abstract concepts are given human qualities or characteristics. By attributing human traits to inanimate objects or abstract ideas, authors make them more relatable and bring them to life in the reader's imagination.

When authors use personification, they aim to create an image in the reader's mind that goes beyond a literal description of an object. They want to evoke emotions, create a sense of familiarity, or establish a deeper connection between the reader and the subject being personified. This technique allows the reader to perceive objects or ideas in a new and interesting way, fostering a richer understanding of the text and enhancing the overall reading experience.

So, authors primarily use personification to add depth and resonance to their writing, making it more engaging and impactful for the reader.