In 2 or more sentences, explain what central idea means.  What are things you look for in a text to find the central idea? 

The central idea refers to the main point or main message that the author is trying to convey in a text or piece of writing. To find the central idea, it is important to look for recurring themes, key arguments, and supporting details that contribute to the overall purpose or main focus of the text. Additionally, understanding the main characters, their motivations, conflicts, and resolutions can also help in identifying the central idea.

The central idea refers to the main point or theme that an author intends to communicate through a text. To find the central idea, it is important to look for key statements, recurring themes, and supporting details that provide a clear focus and summarize the main message of the text. Also, paying attention to the author's tone and the overall structure of the text can help identify the central idea.

The central idea refers to the main point or key message conveyed in a text or piece of writing. To identify the central idea, one should look for repeated words or phrases, key details that support the main point, and any summaries or conclusions made throughout the text. Additionally, examining the topic sentence of each paragraph and paying attention to any bold or emphasized keywords can also help pinpoint the central idea.