Which option is an example of sensory language? (1 point)

A. The apples soft interior was sharp and tangy
B. The jokes punchline was so unexpected and funny
C. He felt most proud when he did a jo well.
D. Her song was such a hit because people could relate to it.

A. The apples soft interior was sharp and tangy

Option A, "The apples soft interior was sharp and tangy," is an example of sensory language because it appeals to the sense of taste by describing the specific texture and taste of the apple's interior.

To determine which option is an example of sensory language, we need to identify which option appeals to our senses - sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing.

Option A states, "The apple's soft interior was sharp and tangy." This option appeals to the sense of taste, specifically describing the flavor of the apple as sharp and tangy.

Option B states, "The joke's punchline was so unexpected and funny." This option does not directly appeal to any of our senses. It describes an emotion (funny) but does not provide any sensory details.

Option C states, "He felt most proud when he did a job well." Again, this option does not directly appeal to any of our senses. It focuses on a feeling (proud) but does not provide sensory details.

Option D states, "Her song was such a hit because people could relate to it." Similar to the previous options, this option does not provide any sensory details. It talks about people relating to the song, which is more of an emotional connection rather than a sensory one.

Based on this analysis, the option that is an example of sensory language is option A. It uses descriptive words to appeal to the sense of taste by describing the sharp and tangy interior of the apple.