Which word has the same meaning as precise? (1 Point)

A. Related
B. Sensory
C. True
D. exact

D. exact

The word that has the same meaning as precise is "D. exact."

To find the word that has the same meaning as precise, you can analyze the options and choose the one that is synonymous with precise.

A. Related: This word means connected or associated with something else. It does not have the same meaning as precise.

B. Sensory: This word relates to the senses or the ability to perceive. It does not have the same meaning as precise.

C. True: This word means in accordance with fact or reality. It does not have the same meaning as precise.

D. Exact: This word means accurate or precise in all details, which is the same meaning as precise.

Therefore, the word that has the same meaning as precise is D. exact.