1. What is a URL? Describe and diagram the different parts of a common URL.

2. Demonstrate the difference between the href attributes of an internal and an external link.
3. What is a trailing slash used for in a URL? When would you use the trailing slash and when would you not?
4. What does the target attribute do in an anchor element?

1. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address used to locate a resource on the internet. It consists of several parts:

- Protocol: This specifies the technology used to transfer the resource. Examples include 'http://' for websites or 'ftp://' for file transfer protocol.
- Domain name: This identifies the specific website or server hosting the resource, such as 'google.com' or 'example.org'.
- Path: This indicates the specific location or file within the website's server. It can include subdirectories and individual filenames.
- Parameters: These are additional pieces of information passed to the server, often used for queries or scripting purposes.
- Fragment identifier: It refers to a specific section or anchor within a webpage.

Here's an example diagram of a common URL:
| Protocol | Domain Name | Path | Parameters |
| (http://) | (example.com) | (/blog/) | (?id=123) |

2. The `href` attribute of an anchor element in HTML specifies the link's destination. The difference between an internal and an external link lies in the URL used.

- Internal link: An internal link refers to a specific webpage within the same website or domain. For example:
`<a href="/about">About Us</a>` is an internal link because it points to a page within the same domain, without specifying the protocol or domain name.

- External link: An external link points to a different website or domain. For example:
`<a href="https://example.com">Example</a>` is an external link because it points to a different domain (example.com) with the specified protocol (https://).

3. A trailing slash (/) in a URL is used to indicate the end of a directory or subdirectory within a website. It can serve different purposes depending on the specific website's structure and configuration.

- Use of trailing slash: You would typically use a trailing slash when you want to access the default file within a directory or when you want to differentiate between a directory and a file. For example, when accessing the 'blog' directory on a website, you would use 'example.com/blog/' to access its default file, whereas 'example.com/blog' could refer to a different resource, like a file or a different type of content.

- Not using trailing slash: Sometimes, using a trailing slash is not necessary, especially when accessing a specific file or resource with a known path. For example, 'example.com/image.jpg' does not require a trailing slash as it specifically targets the 'image.jpg' file.

4. The `target` attribute in an anchor element specifies where the linked resource should open. It determines if the link should open in the same window/tab, a new window/tab, or in a specific frame within a frameset.

- `_self` (default): The linked resource will open in the same window or tab that the user is currently using.
- `_blank`: The linked resource will open in a new window or tab.
- `_parent`: The linked resource will open in the parent frame of a nested frameset.
- `_top`: The linked resource will open in the full body of the window, breaking free from any frames.
- Frame name: If the `target` attribute is set to a specific frame name, the linked resource will open in that particular frame.

Example: `<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Example</a>` will open the link in a new window or tab.

1. A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address or location of a resource on the internet. It is used to navigate and access specific web pages, files, or resources. The structure of a URL consists of several parts:

A. Protocol: This indicates the communication method to be used to access the resource. Common protocols include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HTTP Secure).

B. Domain: This specifies the network location, also known as the website or server, where the resource resides. It typically starts with www, followed by the domain name (e.g., google.com).

C. Path: This represents the specific location or path within the website or server that leads to the desired resource. It is separated by forward slashes (/) and can include folders, subfolders, and filenames.

D. Query parameters: These are optional parameters that can be added to the URL to provide additional information to the server or website. They are preceded by a question mark (?) and separated by ampersands (&) if there are multiple parameters.

E. Fragment identifier: This is an optional part of the URL that identifies a specific section within the resource. It is represented by a hashtag (#) followed by the identifier.

Here is an example URL with these parts labeled:
| URL Components |
| Protocol | Domain | Path |
| | | |
https://www.example.com /resources/file.html ?param1=value1&param2=value2#section |

2. The href attribute in an anchor element is used to specify the destination of a link. It can point to either an internal or an external resource.

- Internal Link: When the href attribute of an anchor element points to an internal resource, it refers to a page within the same website or server. For example, <a href="/about">About</a> would link to the "/about" page on the same website.

- External Link: When the href attribute of an anchor element points to an external resource, it refers to a page on a different website or server. For example, <a href="https://www.example.com">Example</a> would link to the "https://www.example.com" website.

The main difference is the URL itself. Internal links use relative paths, which do not include the entire URL, while external links use absolute paths, which include the entire URL.

3. The trailing slash in a URL is used to indicate the presence or absence of a directory or folder. It determines how URLs are interpreted by web servers.

- When to use a trailing slash: It is typically used when accessing a directory or to specify that the URL refers to a folder and not a file. For example, "https://www.example.com/resources/" indicates a directory, and the browser expects to find an index file within that directory.

- When not to use a trailing slash: It is not necessary for files. If the URL points to a specific file, such as "https://www.example.com/resources/file.html," then a trailing slash is not required.

It's important to note that some web servers may automatically redirect URLs with or without trailing slashes, so it's always best to follow the conventions of the website you are working with.

4. The target attribute in an anchor element is used to specify where the linked resource should be opened. It controls the behavior of the link when clicked.

- "_blank": Opens the linked resource in a new browser tab or window.

- "_self" (default): Opens the linked resource in the same tab or window.

- "_parent": Opens the linked resource in the parent frame or window, if applicable.

- "_top": Opens the linked resource in the full body of the window, regardless of frames.

- Custom Target: You can also specify a custom name as the target value, allowing you to control the behavior based on the target name assigned to other elements (e.g., frames or iframes).

Here is an example of how the target attribute is used in an anchor element:
<a href="https://www.example.com" target="_blank">Example</a>

1. A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address used to locate a resource on the internet. It is commonly used in web browsers to access web pages. A typical URL consists of several parts:

- Protocol: This specifies the communication protocol used to access the resource, such as "http://" or "https://".
- Domain: This is the unique identifier for a specific website or server, like "example.com" or "google.com".
- Path: This indicates the specific location of a resource within a website's directory structure, such as "/blog/article.html".
- Query parameters: These are optional parameters added to the URL to pass additional information to the server, typically separated by a "?" and using the format "key=value".
- Fragment identifier: Sometimes called an anchor, it is used to navigate to a specific section within a web page, denoted by a "#" followed by the section's ID or name.

Here is a visual breakdown of a common URL:
│ Protocol ││ Domain │Path │ Query Parameters │
├─────────────────┘├───────────────────────┘ ├─────────────────────────┤
Fragment Identifier

2. The href attribute in an anchor element is used to specify the URL that the link will navigate to when clicked. The difference between an internal and an external link lies in the URL itself.

- Internal link: An internal link points to a location within the same website. The href attribute typically includes only the path to the resource, without the domain or protocol. For example, `<a href="/about">About</a>` would navigate to the "/about" page within the current website.

- External link: An external link points to a location outside the current website. The href attribute includes the full URL, including the protocol and domain. For example, `<a href="https://example.com">Example</a>` would navigate to the "https://example.com" website.

3. A trailing slash (/) in a URL is used to indicate a directory or folder. It typically appears at the end of the URL before the page or file name. The usage of the trailing slash depends on how the website's server handles the URL structure.

- Use of trailing slash: When a URL ends with a trailing slash, it typically represents a directory or a folder. For example, "https://example.com/blog/" would indicate the "blog" directory. This can be useful for organizing content or creating hierarchical structures within a website.

- No trailing slash: When a URL does not end with a trailing slash, it typically represents a specific file or resource. For example, "https://example.com/blog/article.html" would represent a specific file within the "blog" directory. This is more common for individual pages or resources rather than directories.

The usage of trailing slashes can vary depending on personal preference, server configuration, or specific website design choices.

4. The target attribute in an anchor (<a>) element is used to specify where the linked content will be displayed when clicked. The target attribute can have different values:

- "_blank" (default): This opens the linked content in a new browser tab or window.
- "_self": This opens the linked content in the same tab or window that the link was clicked in.
- "_parent": This opens the linked content in the parent frame or window, useful in frameset or iframe scenarios.
- "_top": This opens the linked content in the full body of the window and breaks out of any frames or iframes.
- Custom window or frame name: This opens the linked content in a specific named target, allowing for more control over where the content is displayed if multiple frames or windows are present.

Example: `<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Example</a>` would open the "https://example.com" URL in a new browser tab or window.