Describe and diagram the different parts of a common url.


A common URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator, typically consists of several parts. Let's break them down:

1. Protocol: The protocol is the first part of a URL and indicates how the resource should be accessed. Some common protocols include "http://" (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) for websites, "https://" (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) for secure websites, "ftp://" (File Transfer Protocol) for file transfers and "mailto:" for email.

2. Domain: The domain name follows the protocol and specifies the network location of the resource. It consists of a combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens. For example, "" or "".

3. Subdomain: Some URLs may have a subdomain, which is a separate section before the domain name. It can be used to specify a specific section or department within a website. For example, "" or "".

4. Top-Level Domain (TLD): The top-level domain is the last part of the domain name and represents the type of organization or the country associated with it. Common TLDs include ".com" for commercial websites, ".org" for non-profit organizations, ".net" for network infrastructure, and ".gov" for government websites.

5. Path: The path is used to provide additional information about the resource being accessed or to navigate within the website. It comes after the domain and is separated by slashes ("/"). For example, "/products" or "/blog/article123".

6. Parameters: Parameters are optional and allow for passing additional information to the server. They come after the path and are preceded by a question mark ("?"). Multiple parameters are separated by ampersands ("&"). For example, "/search?query=example&category=books".

7. Fragment: The fragment is denoted by a hash symbol ("#") and refers to a specific part of the resource being accessed. It is often used in webpages to jump to a specific section or element. For example, "#section2" or "#contact".

To visually represent the different parts, a common URL can be diagrammed as follows:

| | | |
| Protocol | Subdomain | Domain | TLD |
| | | |
| | |
| Path |
| | |
| | |
| Parameters |
| | |

A common URL (Uniform Resource Locator) consists of several parts that help identify and locate a specific resource on the internet. Here is a breakdown of the different components of a typical URL:

1. Protocol: The protocol specifies the rules and procedures to be followed for data transmission. Common protocols include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HTTPS (HTTP Secure), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), etc. This part of the URL comes before the "://" separator.

2. Domain: The domain is the name that identifies a specific website or server on the internet. It can be a registered domain name or an IP address. For example, in the URL "", "" represents the domain.

3. Subdomain: Sometimes, a domain is divided into subdomains to organize different sections or functions of a website. It appears before the main domain and is separated by a dot. For instance, in the URL "", "mail" is the subdomain.

4. Path: The path specifies the specific location or directory on the webserver where the resource is located. It can include multiple directories separated by forward slashes ('/'). For example, in the URL "", the path is "/blog/article".

5. Query Parameters: Query parameters are additional information sent to the server with the URL that helps define the resource further. They are separated from the rest of the URL by a question mark ('?') and consist of parameter-value pairs. Multiple parameters can be separated by an ampersand ('&'). For example, in the URL "", the query parameters are "q=example" and "category=books".

6. Fragment Identifier: The fragment identifier refers to a specific section within the resource being requested. It is indicated by a hash symbol ('#') followed by the identifier. The fragment identifier is typically used to navigate to a specific section within a webpage. For example, in the URL "", "section2" is the fragment identifier.

Here is a diagram illustrating the different parts of a common URL:

| Protocol | Domain |
| Subdomain (optional) |
| Path |
| Query Parameters (optional) |
| Fragment Identifier (optional) |

It's important to note that not all parts of a URL are always present. Some URLs may only include the protocol, domain, and path, while others may include additional components.

A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address used to locate resources on the web. It consists of several parts that together form the complete address. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of a typical URL and a diagram to help illustrate it:

The protocol is the initial part of the URL and specifies how the resource will be accessed. It indicates the type of communication to be made between the client (your web browser) and the server hosting the resource. Common protocols include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

The domain is the main part of the URL and represents the specific website or server hosting the resource. It is the human-readable portion of the address. In some cases, a subdomain is included before the main domain, which can represent a specific section or category of a website.

Top-Level Domain (TLD):
The top-level domain is the last part of the domain and represents the type of organization or geographical location associated with the website. Examples of TLDs include .com (commercial), .org (organization), and .edu (education).

The path is an optional part of the URL that represents the specific location of a resource within a website. It can be a directory or subdirectory indicating a specific page or file on the server.

Parameters, also known as query strings, come after a question mark (?) and are used to pass additional information to a server. They are often used in dynamic web pages to customize the content or functionality based on user input. Parameters are typically in the form of key-value pairs, separated by an ampersand (&).

Fragment Identifier:
The fragment identifier, indicated by a hash symbol (#), specifies a specific section within a webpage. It is commonly used to link to a particular section or anchor within a long webpage.

Here's a diagram illustrating the different parts of a URL:

│ Protocol │
│ Domain │ TLD │
│ Path │
│ Parameters │
│ Fragment Identifier│

It's important to note that not all parts are mandatory, and URLs can vary depending on the specific website and web page you are accessing.