Which part of an informative essay helps the reader both see and hear the information?(1 point)







The correct answer is "multimedia." Multimedia in an informative essay can include elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and interactive elements, which help the reader both see and hear the information being conveyed.

The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is multimedia. To find the answer to this question, you can break it down into smaller parts. First, understand what an informative essay is - it is a type of essay that provides factual information on a specific topic. Then, analyze the given options - graphics, headings, multimedia, and classification. Graphics usually refer to visual elements such as charts or graphs, which help readers visualize data, but they don't necessarily help readers hear the information. Headings, on the other hand, help to organize the essay and give a brief overview of the content, but they don't provide a way for readers to hear the information. Classification, in this context, doesn't directly relate to helping readers see or hear the information. However, multimedia involves using various mediums like videos, audio clips, or interactive elements to present information, allowing readers to both see and hear the content. Therefore, the correct answer is multimedia.