Which part of an informative essay helps the reader both see and hear the information?(1 point) Responses headings headings multimedia multimedia graphics graphics classification classification

The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is multimedia graphics.

The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is multimedia.

The part of an informative essay that helps the reader both see and hear the information is multimedia. Multimedia refers to the integration of various forms of media, such as audio, video, images, and interactive elements, in order to enhance the presentation of information. By incorporating multimedia into an essay, the writer can provide a richer and more engaging experience for the reader. This can include embedding videos, audio recordings, images, infographics, or interactive elements like quizzes or simulations. Using multimedia can help the reader visualize concepts, hear relevant audio clips, and engage with the content in a more dynamic way, making the overall essay more informative and impactful.