Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307 x 10^8 meters. Convert the height to centimeters. Express the answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.


To convert meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the measurement by 100 (since there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter).

2.307 x 10^8 meters * 100 centimeters/meter = 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, the height of Ali's farmhouse is 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters.

To convert Ali's farmhouse height from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the height by 100.

Height in centimeters = (2.307 x 10^8) x 100

To multiply a number by 100, we move the decimal point two places to the right or add two zeros.

Height in centimeters = (2.307 x 10^8) x 100 = 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters in scientific notation.

To convert the height from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the height by 100 because there are 100 centimeters in a meter.

So the conversion is:

Height in centimeters = Height in meters * 100

Plugging in the given height:

Height in centimeters = 2.307 x 10^8 meters * 100

Since we are given the height in scientific notation, we can easily multiply it by 100:

Height in centimeters = 2.307 x 10^8 * 100

To multiply by 100, we need to move the decimal point 2 places to the right:

Height in centimeters = 2.307 x 10^10

Therefore, the height of Ali's farmhouse in centimeters, expressed in scientific notation to the exact decimal place, is:

2.307 x 10^10 centimeters