Ali’s farmhouse has a height of 2.307×108 meters. Convert the height to centimeters. Express your answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.

Note: 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

(1 point)

The height of Ali's farmhouse in centimeters can be found by multiplying the height in meters by 100.

Height in centimeters = 2.307×108 meters × 100 centimeters/meter

Height in centimeters = 2.307×108 × 100 cm = 2.307×1010 cm

Therefore, Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307×1010 centimeters.

To convert the height from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the height by the conversion factor of 100 (since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters).

Height in centimeters = Height in meters × 100

Height in centimeters = 2.307×10^8 × 100

Now, we can multiply the two numbers:

Height in centimeters = 2.307 × 10^8 × 100

= (2.307 × 100) × 10^8

= 230.7 × 10^8

Therefore, Ali's farmhouse height is 230.7 × 10^8 centimeters.

To convert the height from meters to centimeters, you can multiply the given value by the conversion factor, which states that 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.

The formula to convert meters to centimeters is:

height in centimeters = height in meters × conversion factor

Height = 2.307 × 10^8 meters

To convert this to centimeters, we can multiply it by the conversion factor:

height in centimeters = 2.307 × 10^8 meters × 100 centimeters/meter

Now, to calculate the height in centimeters, we multiply the numerical values and add the exponents:

height in centimeters = (2.307 × 100) × (10^8 × 10^0)

Simplifying the equation, we have:

height in centimeters = 230.7 × 10^8

Finally, we can express the answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place. In scientific notation, the decimal point is placed after the first non-zero digit. Therefore, we get:

height in centimeters = 2.307 × 10^10 centimeters.