The EBSCO article “The Two Prices of Soy” discusses Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan. Interpret which of the following describes the impact of Nixon’s decision.(1 point)ResponsesNixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused environmental damage to Brazil’s agriculture.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused environmental damage to Brazil’s agriculture.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused the U.S.’s soy business to prosper.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused the U.S.’s soy business to prosper.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused a major soy shortage in Japan.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan has caused a major soy shortage in Japan.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan caused Japan to invest in agriculture in its own country.Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan caused Japan to invest in agriculture in its own country.

Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan caused Japan to invest in agriculture in its own country.

Nixon’s decision to stop selling soy to Japan caused a major soy shortage in Japan.

The impact of Nixon's decision to stop selling soy to Japan, as described in the EBSCO article, is that it caused a major soy shortage in Japan.

To determine the impact of Nixon's decision to stop selling soy to Japan, you need to analyze the information provided in the EBSCO article "The Two Prices of Soy." Follow these steps to interpret the impact correctly:

1. Access EBSCO: Visit the EBSCO database and search for the article "The Two Prices of Soy." Read the article thoroughly to gather all the relevant information.

2. Identify main points: Identify the main points and arguments presented in the article. Pay attention to any references to Nixon's decision and its consequences.

3. Consider the given responses: Evaluate each of the provided responses based on the information you found in the article.

4. Analyze the evidence: Look for evidence in the article that supports or refutes each response. Consider any direct quotes, statistics, or examples provided.

5. Select the correct response: Based on your analysis of the article, choose the response that aligns with the information presented. Remember to choose the response that accurately describes the impact of Nixon's decision on the soy market.

6. Justify your answer: Provide a brief explanation or quote from the article that supports your chosen response. This will help strengthen your interpretation.

By following these steps, you can evaluate and interpret the impact of Nixon's decision to stop selling soy to Japan based on the information provided in the EBSCO article.