carpet cleaning prostitute charge $40 per room to clean and Sport unclaimed changes charges 302.6 rooms what's the cost per room of less experienced company Lithe cost per room of the less-expensive company

To determine the cost per room of the less expensive company, we need to calculate the total cost and then divide it by the number of rooms.

For the carpet cleaning prostitute company:
Charge per room: $40
Number of rooms: 302.6
Total cost: 40 * 302.6 = $12,104

Let's assume the cost per room of the less expensive company is x dollars.

Total cost for the less expensive company: x * 302.6

Since the total cost for the less expensive company is not known, we cannot determine the cost per room without additional information.

To find the cost per room of the less expensive company, we need to calculate the total cost charged by the company. Let's assume the less experienced company charges $30 per room to clean.

First, we need to calculate the total cost charged by the less experienced company:

Total cost charged by the less experienced company = Cost per room * Number of rooms
Total cost charged by the less experienced company = $30 * 302.6

Now, let's calculate it:

Total cost charged by the less experienced company = $30 * 302.6
Total cost charged by the less experienced company = $9,078

Therefore, the cost per room of the less experienced company is $30.

To calculate the cost per room of each company, we need to know the total charges and the number of rooms.

For the carpet cleaning prostitute, the charge is $40 per room to clean, and you mentioned that they cleaned 302.6 rooms. So, the total charges for the prostitute would be 302.6 rooms * $40 per room.

For the less-experienced company, we don't have the total charges or the number of rooms. However, we can assume that the cost per room for the less-experienced company is lower than the carpet cleaning prostitute.

So, to find the cost per room of the less-experienced company, we need either the total charges or the number of rooms cleaned by them. Without that information, it is not possible to determine the exact cost per room for the less-expensive company.