Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room to clean, and Spot on Cleaning charges $300 to clean six rooms. List the cost per room of the less-expensive company.

To find the cost per room of the less expensive company, we need to compare the prices of both companies.

Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room to clean
Spot on Cleaning charges $300 to clean six rooms.

To calculate the cost per room with Carpet Cleaning Pros, we divide the total cost by the number of rooms. So, $40 per room.

To calculate the cost per room with Spot on Cleaning, we divide the total cost by the number of rooms. So, $300 / 6 rooms = $50 per room.

Therefore, the less expensive company is Carpet Cleaning Pros with a cost of $40 per room.

To find the cost per room of the less-expensive company, we need to calculate the cost per room for both Carpet Cleaning Pros and Spot on Cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning Pros charges $40 per room.
Spot on Cleaning charges $300 for six rooms.

To find the cost per room for Spot on Cleaning, we divide the total cost by the number of rooms:
Cost per room = total cost / number of rooms
Cost per room = $300 / 6 rooms = $50/room

Comparing the costs per room, we can conclude that Carpet Cleaning Pros is the less-expensive company with a cost per room of $40.

To find the cost per room of the less-expensive company, we need to calculate the cost per room for each company and then compare them.

First, let's calculate the cost per room for Carpet Cleaning Pros. They charge $40 per room to clean. Therefore, the cost per room for Carpet Cleaning Pros is $40.

Next, let's calculate the cost per room for Spot on Cleaning. They charge $300 to clean six rooms. To find the cost per room, we divide the total cost by the number of rooms. In this case, the total cost is $300 and the number of rooms is six.

Cost per room for Spot on Cleaning = Total cost / Number of rooms
= $300 / 6
= $50

So, the cost per room for Spot on Cleaning is $50.

Finally, we compare the cost per room for both companies. The cost per room for Carpet Cleaning Pros is $40, while the cost per room for Spot on Cleaning is $50. Since $40 is less than $50, Carpet Cleaning Pros is the less-expensive company.

Therefore, the cost per room of the less-expensive company is $40.