Which of the following correctly shows the sequence of organelles a protein would take if it were being exported from the cell?(1 point)


Ribosome →
Rough ER →
Vesicle →
Golgi Apparatus →
Vesicle →
Cell Membrane
Ribosome right arrow Rough ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Golgi Apparatus right arrow Vesicle right arrow Cell Membrane

Ribosome →
Smooth ER →
Vesicle →
Cell Membrane →
Vesicle →
Rough ER
Ribosome right arrow Smooth ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Cell Membrane right arrow Vesicle right arrow Rough ER

Ribosome →
Vesicle →
Rough ER →
Vesicle →
Golgi Apparatus →
Cell Membrane
Ribosome right arrow Vesicle right arrow Rough ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Golgi Apparatus right arrow Cell Membrane

Smooth ER →
Vesicle →
Golgi apparatus →
Rough ER →
Vesicle →
Smooth ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Golgi apparatus right arrow Rough ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Nucleus
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Ribosome right arrow Rough ER right arrow Vesicle right arrow Golgi Apparatus right arrow Vesicle right arrow Cell Membrane

The correct sequence of organelles a protein would take if it were being exported from the cell is:

Ribosome → Rough ER → Vesicle → Golgi Apparatus → Vesicle → Cell Membrane

The correct sequence of organelles a protein would take if it were being exported from the cell is:

Ribosome → Rough ER → Vesicle → Golgi Apparatus → Vesicle → Cell Membrane

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the basic process of protein export in a eukaryotic cell. Here's an explanation of each step:

1. Ribosome: Proteins are synthesized on ribosomes, which are found either freely floating in the cytoplasm or bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

2. Rough ER: If the ribosome synthesizing the protein is bound to the rough ER, the protein enters the ER lumen as it is being synthesized. The rough ER is studded with ribosomes and involved in protein synthesis and modification.

3. Vesicle: Once the protein is synthesized and modified in the rough ER, it is packaged into transport vesicles. These vesicles bud off from the rough ER and transport the protein to the Golgi apparatus.

4. Golgi Apparatus: The transport vesicles fuse with the Golgi apparatus, a stack of flattened membrane sacs. In the Golgi apparatus, the protein undergoes further modifications, such as glycosylation, and is sorted for transportation to its final destination.

5. Vesicle: After being modified in the Golgi apparatus, the protein is packaged into new transport vesicles, which bud off from the Golgi and carry the protein to its final destination.

6. Cell Membrane: Finally, the transport vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, and the protein is released outside the cell, allowing it to be exported.

So, the correct sequence would be Ribosome → Rough ER → Vesicle → Golgi Apparatus → Vesicle → Cell Membrane.