Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

East Asian nations have imposed tariffs and other trade barriers to protect their industries, but these barriers have

limited international competition and hindered economic growth.

had mixed results.

caused economic hardship for their citizens.

Result: Correct!

To complete the sentence, you can select the option that states the negative consequence of the trade barriers imposed by East Asian nations. In this case, the correct option is "caused economic hardship for their citizens."

To arrive at this answer, you could have:

1. Looked for clues in the sentence itself that indicate that the trade barriers have negatively affected the citizens. The phrase "but these barriers have" suggests that there is a negative outcome.

2. Considered the purpose of imposing tariffs and trade barriers, which is typically to protect domestic industries. This protection usually comes at a cost, such as higher prices for consumers and limited competition for industries, which can lead to economic hardship for citizens.

By analyzing the information given and considering the context, you can determine the most suitable option to complete the sentence.