An aerial view of a mountain range with steep jagged cliffs is shown.

The textures that are present in this image are
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The textures that are present in the image of the mountain range with steep jagged cliffs are rough and jagged.

To identify the textures present in the aerial view of the mountain range with steep jagged cliffs, you can analyze the visual characteristics of the image.

First, look for areas that appear rough. Rough textures are typically characterized by uneven surfaces, irregular patterns, or a coarse appearance. In the context of the mountain range, this might correspond to the jagged cliffs or bumpy areas on the slopes of the mountains.

Next, look for areas that appear smooth. Smooth textures are usually characterized by even surfaces, consistent patterns, or a lack of visible irregularities. In the image, this might correspond to areas where the terrain appears relatively flat or gently sloping.

Silky textures, on the other hand, typically refer to surfaces that are smooth and shiny, often resembling the texture of silk fabric. Although it is possible to have certain elements in the image that appear silky, based on the description of the mountain range, it is less likely to be a prevalent texture.

Lastly, assess whether there are any areas that appear soft. Soft textures generally convey a sense of gentleness, comfort, or a lack of hardness. In the context of the mountain range, it is less likely to have prominent soft textures, as the terrain is typically rugged and characterized by rocky surfaces.

Based on the analysis, the most likely textures present in the image of the mountain range with steep jagged cliffs are rough and possibly smooth.