How old was Stephen Crane when he died?

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Stephen Crane was 28 years old when he died.

To find the age at which Stephen Crane died, it would be helpful to look up information about his life and death. You can do this by conducting a quick search on a search engine or referring to reliable biographical sources such as books or reputable websites.

Stephen Crane, an American author known for his works such as "The Red Badge of Courage," died at a young age. According to the information available through a search, Crane passed away on June 5, 1900. To determine his age at death, you can calculate the difference between his birthdate and the date of his death.

Stephen Crane was born on November 1, 1871. By subtracting his birth year from his year of death, you can calculate his age at the time of his passing.

1900 - 1871 = 29

Therefore, Stephen Crane was approximately 29 years old when he died. It seems that none of the provided response options accurately reflect his age, as they range from 28 to 48.