Use the following sentence to answer the question.


Grammar Unit Test

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Competing in sports is one way to boost your confidence and make friends.

Identify the gerund and its function in the sentence.

(1 point)

is, it is acting as a verb

confidence, it is acting as a verb

boost, it is acting as a noun

O competing; it is acting as a noun

O competing; it is acting as a noun

The gerund in the sentence is "competing." It is acting as a noun.

To identify the gerund and its function in the sentence, we need to understand the definition of a gerund and examine each word in the sentence.

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in "-ing." It is derived from a verb but acts as a different part of speech.

In the given sentence, the word "competing" is the gerund. It ends in "-ing" and functions as a noun. It acts as the subject of the sentence and is the activity being referenced as one way to boost confidence and make friends.

Therefore, the correct answer is "O competing; it is acting as a noun."