What viewpoints did the Anti-Federalists have about the Constitution/our government?(Review Unit 1, Lesson 8, slide 5 OR the Teacher Led Nearpod on Lesson Intro Page) Answer in 3-4 complete sentences.


The Anti-Federalists had several viewpoints about the Constitution and our government. They believed that the Constitution gave too much power to the national government and feared that it would lead to the oppression of individual states. They also argued that the Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights to protect the rights and liberties of the people. Additionally, they were concerned about the absence of term limits for the President, which they believed could lead to a monarchy-like rule.

The Anti-Federalists had several viewpoints about the Constitution and our government. Firstly, they believed that the Constitution gave too much power to the national government, which could potentially lead to tyranny. Secondly, they argued that the absence of a Bill of Rights in the original Constitution posed a threat to individual liberties and rights. Thirdly, the Anti-Federalists were concerned that the Constitution did not adequately represent the interests of small states and that it favored the more populous states.

To find the viewpoints of the Anti-Federalists about the Constitution and our government, you can review Unit 1, Lesson 8, slide 5 or access the Teacher Led Nearpod on the Lesson Intro Page. These resources will provide you with the specific information you need. When reviewing the content, pay attention to the arguments presented by the Anti-Federalists, such as concerns about the centralization of power, the lack of a Bill of Rights, and the potential for the government to become tyrannical. Take note of the different perspectives and arguments presented by the Anti-Federalists to understand their viewpoints on the Constitution and our government.