What viewpoints did the Federalists have about the Constitution/our government?(Review Unit 1, Lesson 8, slide 5 OR the Teacher Led Nearpod on Lesson Intro Page) Answer in 3-4 complete sentences. 50 words

The Federalists had a strong belief in a strong central government. They believed that a strong government was necessary for the country to thrive and maintain order. They supported the Constitution as it provided a framework for a strong central government, with checks and balances, and protection of individual rights.

What viewpoints did the Anti-Federalists have about the Constitution/our government?(Review Unit 1, Lesson 8, slide 5 OR the Teacher Led Nearpod on Lesson Intro Page) Answer in 3-4 complete sentences.

50 words

The Anti-Federalists had concerns about the power of a strong central government and the potential for it to become tyrannical and infringe upon individual rights. They believed in a decentralized government, with power resting more with the states. They called for the inclusion of a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties and limit the power of the federal government.

How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists resolve their differences?

50 words

The Federalists and Anti-Federalists resolved their differences through compromise. In order to gain the support of the Anti-Federalists and secure ratification of the Constitution, the Federalists agreed to include a Bill of Rights. This compromise ensured that the concerns about individual rights and limits on government power were addressed.

“The Constitution says federal laws are the ‘supreme law of the land,’ so the federal government could just take complete control.”



A. Federalist

“Nothing in the Constitution says the federal government has power to limit people’s freedoms in the first place.”



B. Anti-Federalist

“The Constitution gives the federal government just a few powers that are very well defined.”

