Which of the following is a factor of the physical geography of both Miami and Monrovia?(1 point) Responses Both cities have made great efforts to preserve the natural environment around the city. Both cities have made great efforts to preserve the natural environment around the city. Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities. Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities. Both cities are landlocked with no easy access to the oceans. Both cities are landlocked with no easy access to the oceans. Urban sprawl is limited for both cities by mountain ranges that surround them.

Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities.

The correct response is: Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities.

To determine which of the given options is a factor of the physical geography of both Miami and Monrovia, we need to analyze each option and compare it to the geography of both cities.

1. "Both cities have made great efforts to preserve the natural environment around the city."
- This option refers to the conservation efforts in both Miami and Monrovia but does not specifically relate to their physical geography. This option cannot be considered a factor of the physical geography.

2. "Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities."
- This option implies that both Miami and Monrovia have extensive wetlands surrounding them. If this statement is true, it indicates a common physical geographic feature of both cities.

3. "Both cities are landlocked with no easy access to the oceans."
- This option suggests that both cities are inland and do not have convenient access to the ocean. However, Miami is located on the southeastern coast of Florida and has direct access to the Atlantic Ocean, while Monrovia is a coastal city on the west coast of Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this statement is false for Miami and Monrovia, making it an incorrect option.

4. "Urban sprawl is limited for both cities by mountain ranges that surround them."
- This option states that both Miami and Monrovia are surrounded by mountain ranges, limiting urban sprawl. However, Miami is a relatively flat city in Florida without any significant mountain ranges. Monrovia, on the other hand, is located in a coastal area but does not have any major surrounding mountain ranges. Hence, this statement is false for both cities.

After considering the given options, it can be concluded that the second option, "Both cities have extensive wetlands around the cities," is the only accurate statement that is a factor of the physical geography of both Miami and Monrovia.