Match them.

Chewing of food in the mouth
Produces bile
Moves food from throat to stomach
Bacterial digestion
Absorbs water, minerals, vitamins

Small intestine
Large intestine
Mechanical disgestion

Chewing of food in the mouth - Mechanical digestion

Produces bile - Liver
Moves food from throat to stomach - Esophagus
Bacterial digestion - Large intestine
Absorbs water, minerals, vitamins - Small intestine

Chewing of food in the mouth - Mechanical digestion

Produces bile - Liver
Moves food from throat to stomach - Esophagus
Bacterial digestion - Large intestine
Absorbs water, minerals, vitamins - Small intestine

To match the given statements with their corresponding parts of the digestive system, we can analyze the functions mentioned in each statement:

1. Chewing of food in the mouth: This statement refers to the process of mechanical digestion, which occurs in the mouth. Therefore, the matching part of the digestive system is the mouth.

2. Produces bile: Bile is produced by the liver, which aids in the digestion and absorption of fats. Therefore, the matching part of the digestive system is the liver.

3. Moves food from throat to stomach: The movement of food from the throat to the stomach is facilitated by the esophagus, which is a muscular tube connecting these two structures. Therefore, the matching part of the digestive system is the esophagus.

4. Bacterial digestion: Bacterial digestion mainly occurs in the large intestine, where beneficial bacteria aid in the breakdown of certain indigestible substances and the production of vitamins. Therefore, the matching part of the digestive system is the large intestine.

5. Absorbs water, minerals, vitamins: The absorption of water, minerals, and vitamins primarily takes place in the small intestine, specifically the walls of the small intestine, which contain numerous tiny finger-like projections called villi. These villi increase the surface area for better absorption. Therefore, the matching part of the digestive system is the small intestine.

Matching the statements with the corresponding parts of the digestive system:

- Chewing of food in the mouth: Mechanical digestion (Mouth)
- Produces bile: Liver
- Moves food from throat to stomach: Esophagus
- Bacterial digestion: Large intestine
- Absorbs water, minerals, vitamins: Small intestine