which digestive organ is the last organ food passes through before reaching your stomach? (1 point)

A. pharynx
B. epiglottis
C. esophagus
D. mouth

C. esophagus

starches and sugars belong to which class of nutrients?(1 point) A. carbohydrates B. fats C. proteins D. enzymes

A. carbohydrates

a method for assessing your body size by taking your height and weight into account is the(1 point) A. body composition test. B. body mass index. C. peristalsis process. D. calorie tally.

B. body mass index.

your skin, lungs, and kidneys are all part of the ________, which removes wastes from the body. (1 point) A. gallbladder B. enzyme process C. excretory system D. nervous system

C. excretory system

all of the chemical reactions that occur inside your body's cells to produce energy are called(1 point) A. peristalsis B. metabolism C. excretion D. binge eating

B. metabolism

the amount of energy in food is measured in (1 point) A. nutrients. B. calories. C. fiber. D. metabolism