in the call of the wild what does the phrase "the dominant primordial beast was strong in buck" Mean?

buck was eager to fight his rival

buck followed his deepest instincts

buck gained physical strength

The phrase "the dominant primordial beast was strong in buck" means that Buck's innate animal instincts and primal nature were very powerful. It suggests that Buck was deeply in touch with his natural instincts, which influenced his behavior and actions.

The phrase "the dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck" means that Buck's primal instincts and animal nature were very powerful. It suggests that Buck was driven by his deep, instinctual urges rather than rational thought or human influence. This phrase implies that Buck's primal instincts guided his actions and behavior. So, all of the options you've provided may be accurate interpretations.

In the novel "The Call of the Wild," the phrase "the dominant primordial beast was strong in buck" means that Buck, the main character, is deeply in touch with his primitive, instinctual nature. It signifies that Buck has tapped into his innate primal instincts and traits, which are often associated with survival and raw strength.

To understand this phrase, it is important to recognize that in the story, Buck undergoes a transformation from being a domesticated dog to becoming a wild, resilient sled dog in the harsh environment of the Yukon. As he adapts to his new surroundings, he increasingly relies on his primal instincts for survival.

To arrive at this interpretation, you can analyze the context in which this line is used in the novel. The author, Jack London, frequently portrays Buck as regressing emotionally and psychologically, reconnecting with his ancestral, untamed nature. This empowerment through embracing his primal side allows Buck to endure the challenges and adversities in his journey.

By closely reading the book and paying attention to the author's descriptions and depictions of Buck's behavior and mindset, you can understand how the phrase relates to Buck's fierce determination, his willingness to fight his rivals, and his increased physical strength.