If a text has the subheading "Life in the White House," you can predict it will include details about the:

A. presidents daily routine
B. president's childhood
C. duties of the first lady
D. white house construction

A. presidents daily routine

Based on the subheading "Life in the White House," it is likely that the text will include details about the A. president's daily routine, C. duties of the first lady, and potentially other aspects of the daily life and activities that take place within the White House. However, it is less likely to include details about the B. president's childhood or D. White House construction.

To predict what details may be included in a text with the subheading "Life in the White House," we can analyze the given options:

A. President's daily routine: This is a likely topic to be included because "Life in the White House" would encompass the day-to-day activities and schedule of the President when residing in the White House.

B. President's childhood: Although the President's childhood may be an interesting topic, it may not be directly relevant to "Life in the White House." While there might be some discussions related to the President's background, it is less likely to be the main focus under this subheading.

C. Duties of the first lady: It is possible for the text to include details about the duties and responsibilities of the first lady. The subheading implies a broader scope that encompasses various aspects of life in the White House, including the role of the first lady.

D. White House construction: While the construction of the White House is an important historical event, it may not be the primary focus of a text titled "Life in the White House." This topic is more likely to be addressed separately in a different subheading or context.

Based on the analysis, options A (president's daily routine) and C (duties of the first lady) are the most likely details to be included in a text with the subheading "Life in the White House."