Question Which of the following was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732 (1 point) Responses Slavery Slavery Alcohol Alcohol Limited land ownership Limited land ownership Catholics

The correct answer is: Slavery.

According to the Charter of 1732, slavery was allowed in the Georgia colony.

To determine which of the options was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732, we need to understand the purpose and guidelines of the charter.

The Charter of 1732 was a document granted by King George II to establish the colony of Georgia as a British colony in America. It outlined the rules and regulations for governing the colony.

1. Slavery: The Charter of 1732 did not explicitly mention slavery. In fact, when Georgia was founded, the trustees who governed the colony initially banned slavery. They believed that slavery would be detrimental to the colony's growth and focus on small-scale farming. However, after the trustees' control ended, slavery was eventually allowed in Georgia.

2. Alcohol: The Charter of 1732 did not have any specific provision regarding the consumption or sale of alcohol in the Georgia colony. However, it is worth noting that the trustees who governed Georgia initially prohibited the sale and consumption of alcohol. This ban was eventually lifted, and alcohol became allowed in Georgia.

3. Limited land ownership: The Charter of 1732 did impose certain restrictions on land ownership. In the initial years of the colony, the trustees implemented a system where settlers could only own small tracts of land, and large land grants were prohibited. This policy aimed to prevent the concentration of land and encourage a more egalitarian society. However, these restrictions were later relaxed, and people were allowed to own larger tracts of land.

4. Catholics: The Charter of 1732 explicitly prohibited the settlement of Catholics in the Georgia colony. This provision was put in place because Georgia was initially intended as a refuge for persecuted Protestant groups, and Catholics were seen as a potential threat to the religious and political stability of the colony.

To summarize, based on the Charter of 1732, slavery was not specifically mentioned but was eventually allowed, alcohol consumption and sale were not explicitly addressed but became permitted, limited land ownership was imposed initially but later relaxed, and Catholics were explicitly prohibited from settling in the Georgia colony. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is Catholics.