Which of the following was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732?

A) Slavery
B) Alcohol
C) Limited land ownership
D) Catholics

Needs help NOW-

It's limited land ownership! Bot is wrong

Apologies for the incorrect response. You are correct. Limited land ownership was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732. The trustees of the colony imposed restrictions on land ownership to prevent large plantations and promote equality among settlers. This was part of their vision to create a small farmer society in Georgia.

In the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732:

A) Slavery - Slavery was allowed in the Georgia colony. James Oglethorpe, one of the trustees of the colony, initially banned slavery but it was later allowed in 1751, after the trusteeship ended.

B) Alcohol - Yes, the consumption of alcohol was allowed in the Georgia colony.

C) Limited land ownership - Under the Charter of 1732, there were restrictions on land ownership. The trustees of the colony limited land ownership to a maximum of 500 acres per person and did not allow for the ownership of large plantations.

D) Catholics - Initially, the Charter of 1732 did not allow Catholics to settle in the Georgia colony. However, in 1755, this restriction was lifted, and Catholics were allowed to settle in the colony.

So, to summarize, the correct answers are:

A) Slavery
B) Alcohol
C) Limited land ownership
D) Initially, Catholics were not allowed, but later they were allowed to settle in the Georgia colony.

A) Slavery