Which of the following was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732?

Limited land ownership

C. Limited land ownership

The correct answer is C. Limited land ownership.

Under the Charter of 1732, slavery was not explicitly allowed in the Georgia colony. Alcohol was allowed in the colony, and Catholics were also allowed to practice their religion. However, the Charter of 1732 imposed restrictions on land ownership, limiting individuals to owning a maximum of 500 acres of land.

To determine which of the options was allowed in the Georgia colony under the Charter of 1732, we need to examine the historical context of the colony's founding and review the provisions outlined in the Charter.

The Georgia colony was established in 1732 by a charter granted to a group of trustees led by James Oglethorpe. The intentions behind the colony's establishment were mainly philanthropic. The trustees aimed to create a colony that would serve as a haven for England's debtors and the "worthy poor." Additionally, the Trustees had a desire to create a buffer between the profitable South Carolina colony and the Spanish-controlled territories in Florida.

To address your options:
A. Slavery: One of the main features of the Charter of 1732 was the prohibition of slavery in the Georgia colony. The trustees believed that prohibiting slavery would deter large landowners and encourage small-scale agricultural practices by the settlers, creating a more egalitarian and morally upright society.

B. Alcohol: The Charter of 1732 did not explicitly restrict or prohibit the consumption or trade of alcohol in the Georgia colony. However, the trustees did encourage temperance and discourage excessive drinking. There were regulations in place to control the use of alcohol, such as licensing taverns and imposing fines for disorderly behavior resulting from alcohol consumption.

C. Limited land ownership: The Charter of 1732 did impose some limitations on land ownership in the Georgia colony. The trustees implemented a system where colonists could not own land outright but instead obtained land through a temporary lease. This was done to prevent the concentration of land in the hands of a few wealthy individuals and to encourage equitable land distribution.

D. Catholics: The Charter of 1732 explicitly restricted the establishment of Catholicism in the Georgia colony. The trustees, who were primarily Protestant, were concerned about the influence of the Spanish Catholics in Florida and saw Catholicism as a potential source of threat to the colony's moral and political stability.

In conclusion, based on the provisions of the Charter of 1732 and the historical context of the Georgia colony's establishment, the correct answer is:

C. Limited land ownership