Biology A unit 3 l 11

Set the following settings on the Simulation.

Starch: 3

Amylase: 0

Temp: 35

Maltose: 0

Maltase: 3

pH: 7

Glucose: 0

Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Question 4
What did you observe?(1 point)

Starch was denatured
Starch was denatured

Starch was not broken down by the maltose enzyme
Starch was not broken down by the maltose enzyme

Glucose was present
Glucose was present

Starch was broken down by the maltose enzyme

Starch: 3

Amylase: 2

Temp: 35

Maltose: 0

Maltase: 0

pH: 7

Glucose: 0

Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Question 5
Which of the following did you observe?(1 point)

Amylase did not have a reaction with starch.
Amylase did not have a reaction with starch.

Amylase reacted with starch to create glucose molecules
Amylase reacted with starch to create glucose molecules

Amylase reacted with starch to create maltose molecules
Amylase reacted with starch to create maltose molecules
Question 6
After those two simulations, what is a logical conclusion you can reach?(1 point)

Any enzyme will break down any molecule
Any enzyme will break down any molecule

Some enzymes can break down more than one substrate
Some enzymes can break down more than one substrate

Enzymes are specific to a substrate
Enzymes are specific to a substrate
Question 7
What did you observe when amylase and starch touched during the simulation? (You may need to run it a few times to catch it)(1 point)

Nothing, starch remained the same.
Nothing, starch remained the same.

Starch was broken down to glucose
Starch was broken down to glucose

Starch was broken down to maltose
Starch was broken down to maltose

Starch was broken down to glucose then, maltose.
Starch was broken down to glucose then, maltose.
Hit the reset button and then set the following settings on the Simulation.

Starch: 3

Amylase: 2

Temp: 35

Maltose: 0

Maltase: 2

pH: 7

Glucose: 0

Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Question 8
After letting the simulation run for about a minute, answer whether something true or falsethat happened during this simulation. (1 point)
True False
All starch was converted into maltose and then glucose.
True – All starch was converted into maltose and then glucose.
False – All starch was converted into maltose and then glucose.
When maltose touched amylase it was turned back into starch.
True – When maltose touched amylase it was turned back into starch.
False – When maltose touched amylase it was turned back into starch.
The end result was enzymes bouncing around with only maltose molecules.
True – The end result was enzymes bouncing around with only maltose molecules.
False – The end result was enzymes bouncing around with only maltose molecules.
Only glucose and enzymes were present at the end.
True – Only glucose and enzymes were present at the end.
False – Only glucose and enzymes were present at the end.
Hit the reset button and then set the following settings on the Simulation.

Starch: 0

Amylase: 5

Temp: 35

Maltose: 0

Maltase: 0

pH: 7

Glucose: 0

Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Question 9
For this question, you will need to adjust the pH until all of the enzymes are denatured. At what pH does all of the amylase become denatured? You must reset the simulation many times as you adjust the pH only. Make the solution more basic and more acidic until all of the enzymes are denatured. (1 point)

6.0 and 7.5
6.0 and 7.5

5.5 and 7.5
5.5 and 7.5

5.5 and 8.5
5.5 and 8.5

6.5 and 7.5
6.5 and 7.5
Set the following settings on the Simulation.

Starch: 2

Amylase: 2

Temp: 35

Maltose: 0

Maltase: 0

pH: 7

Glucose: 0

Amylase Inhibitor: 5

Question 10

What effect does the amylase inhibitor have on the reaction between amylase and starch?

A. It speeds up the reaction.
B. It slows down the reaction.
C. It has no effect on the reaction.
D. It stops the reaction completely.

Answer: B. It slows down the reaction.

To answer these questions correctly, you will need to run the simulation and observe the results. Follow these steps:

1. Set the simulation settings as given:
- Starch: 3
- Amylase: 0
- Temp: 35
- Maltose: 0
- Maltase: 3
- pH: 7
- Glucose: 0
- Amylase Inhibitor: 0

2. Run the simulation and observe the results to answer question 4. Based on the options provided, select the correct response that matches your observation. In this case, you need to select "Starch was not broken down by the maltose enzyme."

3. Now, adjust the simulation settings as given:
- Starch: 3
- Amylase: 2
- Temp: 35
- Maltose: 0
- Maltase: 0
- pH: 7
- Glucose: 0
- Amylase Inhibitor: 0

4. Run the simulation again and observe the results to answer question 5. Select the correct response based on your observation. In this case, you need to select "Amylase did not have a reaction with starch."

5. Based on the observations from the first two simulations, answer question 6. Select the response that best represents a logical conclusion. In this case, the correct response is "Enzymes are specific to a substrate."

6. To answer question 7, run the simulation with the given settings:
- Starch: 3
- Amylase: 2
- Temp: 35
- Maltose: 0
- Maltase: 0
- pH: 7
- Glucose: 0
- Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Observe the results carefully and select the correct response based on your observation. In this case, you need to select "Starch was broken down to glucose then, maltose."

7. Now, reset the simulation and set the following settings:
- Starch: 3
- Amylase: 2
- Temp: 35
- Maltose: 0
- Maltase: 2
- pH: 7
- Glucose: 0
- Amylase Inhibitor: 0

8. Run the simulation for about a minute and answer question 8. Select the response that accurately represents what happened during this simulation. In this case, the correct response is "False – All starch was converted into maltose and then glucose."

9. Reset the simulation and set the following settings:
- Starch: 0
- Amylase: 5
- Temp: 35
- Maltose: 0
- Maltase: 0
- pH: 7
- Glucose: 0
- Amylase Inhibitor: 0

Now, adjust the pH by making the solution more basic and more acidic until all of the enzymes are denatured. Repeat this process by running the simulation and adjusting the pH until the enzymes are denatured. Finally, select the correct pH values that resulted in denaturation of all amylase from the given options. In this case, the correct response is "5.5 and 7.5."

I hope this helps you answer the questions accurately! If you have further questions, feel free to ask.

Question 10

What role does the amylase inhibitor play in this simulation? (1 point)

It increases the activity of the amylase enzyme.
It decreases the activity of the amylase enzyme.
It has no effect on the activity of the amylase enzyme.
It prevents the amylase enzyme from functioning.