The Code of Hammurabi (1772 BC) includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of U.S. law is based on the Code of Hammurabi?



The type of U.S. law that is based on the Code of Hammurabi is civil law.

The type of U.S. law that is based on the Code of Hammurabi is civil law.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and explain each one:

1. Civil law: Civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, such as issues related to contracts, property, or family matters. Since the Code of Hammurabi includes laws focusing on contracts, it aligns with civil law.

2. Criminal law: Criminal law, on the other hand, deals with offenses against the state and the actions that are considered crimes. The Code of Hammurabi does not primarily focus on criminal offenses, so this option is not the correct answer.

3. Military law: Military law pertains to the legal systems governing members of the armed forces. While the Code of Hammurabi covers various aspects of society, it does not primarily focus on military matters, making this option incorrect.

4. Constitutional law: Constitutional law is concerned with the interpretation and application of a country's constitution, including the powers and limits of the government. The Code of Hammurabi predated the development of modern constitutions, so it is not directly associated with constitutional law.

Based on the above explanations, the correct answer is civil law.