what is 1.67e -21 what is the mass of 1,000 protons in scientific notation

1.67e-21 is a number written in scientific notation. It can also be written as 0.00000000000000000000167.

The mass of one proton is approximately 1.67e-27 kilograms. Therefore, the mass of 1,000 protons would be 1,000 times that value, resulting in a mass of 1.67e-27 kg * 1,000 = 1.67e-24 kg.

To convert the number 1.67e-21 into decimal notation, you need to move the decimal point 21 places to the left, resulting in 0.0000000000000000000167.

The mass of one proton is approximately 1.67e-27 kilograms. To find the mass of 1,000 protons, you simply multiply the mass of one proton by 1,000.

1.67e-27 kg * 1,000 = 1.67e-27 kg * 1.000e+03 = 1.67e-24 kg, in scientific notation.

Therefore, the mass of 1,000 protons in scientific notation is 1.67e-24 kg.

To answer these questions, we need to understand scientific notation. Scientific notation is a way to express very large or very small numbers using powers of 10.

1.67e-21 represents a very small number. The "e" in the notation refers to exponent, and the number -21 indicates that the decimal point should be moved 21 places to the left. So, 1.67e-21 can be written as 0.00000000000000000000167.

Now, let's calculate the mass of 1,000 protons. The mass of a single proton is approximately 1.67e-27 kilograms. To find the total mass of 1,000 protons, we can multiply the mass of a single proton by 1,000.

1.67e-27 (mass of a single proton) multiplied by 1,000 gives us 1.67e-24 kilograms. This can be written as 0.0000000000000000000000167 kilograms in decimal notation.

So, the mass of 1,000 protons in scientific notation is 1.67e-24 kilograms, or 0.0000000000000000000000167 kilograms in decimal notation.