Which of the following is NOT a principle of the US

Popular Sovereignty
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances

Tranquility is not a principle of the US Constitution.

The principle of Tranquility is NOT a principle of the US Constitution. The correct answer is Tranquility.

To determine which of the options is NOT a principle of the US Constitution, let's first define the principles stated in the options:

1. Popular Sovereignty: This principle asserts that the power of the government lies with the people, who elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

2. Separation of Powers: This principle divides the powers of the government into three distinct branches - the legislative, executive, and judicial branches - to prevent the concentration of power in one entity.

3. Checks and Balances: This principle ensures that each branch of government has the ability to limit the powers of the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too dominant.

4. Tranquility: This term represents a state of peacefulness and calmness within society, but it is not explicitly recognized as a principle of the US Constitution.

From the options provided, "Tranquility" is the concept that does not appear as a recognized principle within the US Constitution. Therefore, "Tranquility" is the correct answer to your question.