Which of the following is NOT a principle of the US Constitution?(1 point)


Separation of Powers
Separation of Powers


Popular Sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty

Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances

To determine which of the following is NOT a principle of the US Constitution, we need to review each option and identify the one that does not belong. In this case, we have the options of:

1. Separation of Powers
2. Tranquility
3. Popular Sovereignty
4. Checks and Balances

First, let's consider Separation of Powers. The Separation of Powers principle is a fundamental concept in the US Constitution that ensures the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) function independently and have distinct responsibilities.

Next, let's examine Tranquility. Tranquility, although it may be an ideal or a goal for society, is not explicitly mentioned as a principle in the US Constitution. It is worth noting that the Constitution does provide for the establishment of justice and the maintenance of peace, but tranquility, as a standalone principle, is not mentioned.

Moving on to Popular Sovereignty, this principle represents the idea that the power of the government is derived from the will and consent of the people. It emphasizes that the citizens are the ultimate authority in the governance of the country.

Lastly, let's consider Checks and Balances. This principle refers to the system of ensuring that no branch of government becomes too powerful by allowing each branch to limit, check, and balance the powers of the other branches.

Based on this analysis, we can determine that Tranquility is the option that does not belong in the list, as it is not explicitly mentioned as a principle in the US Constitution.

The principle of "Tranquility" is NOT a principle of the US Constitution.