Analyze the following scenario. Which of the following statements is true?

“In the past year, the U.S. Government has rolled back previous immigration restrictions. Changes include making immigration benefits easier to
access, updating the asylum system, and incorporating a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants.”
(1 point)
Two of the changes are obstacles for migration; one is an opportunity.
Two changes are opportunities; one is a challenge for migration.
All three changes are obstacles for migration.
All three changes are opportunities for migration

Based on the given information, the statement "All three changes are opportunities for migration" is true. This is because the U.S. Government has rolled back previous immigration restrictions, making immigration benefits easier to access and incorporating a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants. These changes indicate an opportunity for individuals seeking to migrate to the United States.

Based on the given scenario, the statement that is true is:

Two changes are opportunities; one is a challenge for migration.

To analyze the scenario and determine which statement is true, we need to breakdown the changes mentioned and their implications for migration.

1. Making immigration benefits easier to access: This change suggests that it is now easier for individuals to access immigration benefits, which can be viewed as an opportunity for migration.

2. Updating the asylum system: Updating the asylum system implies that changes have been made to the rules and regulations surrounding seeking asylum. Depending on the nature of the changes, it could be perceived as either an opportunity or an obstacle for migration. This will require further examination of the specific updates made to the asylum system.

3. Incorporating a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants: This change introduces a pathway for illegal immigrants to obtain legal status. This can be seen as a significant opportunity for migration.

Based on the provided information, we can conclude that statement 2 is true: Two changes are opportunities for migration, and one change is a challenge for migration (opportunity, opportunity, challenge).