which of the following is not a terrestrial planet? Uranus, Mars, Venus, Earth

Uranus is not a terrestrial planet.

The planet Uranus is not classified as a terrestrial planet.

To determine which of the given options is not a terrestrial planet, we need to understand the characteristics of terrestrial planets.

Terrestrial planets are inner planets that are primarily composed of silicate rocks and metals. They are generally smaller in size and have a solid surface. They are relatively closer to the Sun, have shorter orbital periods, and have thinner or no atmosphere compared to outer planets.

Let's examine each option:

1. Uranus: Uranus is not a terrestrial planet. It is classified as an outer planet or gas giant. It has a predominantly gaseous composition and lacks a solid surface. Therefore, Uranus is not a terrestrial planet.

2. Mars: Mars is a terrestrial planet. It has a solid surface, is composed of silicate rocks and metals, and is relatively close to the Sun. Therefore, Mars is a terrestrial planet.

3. Venus: Venus is a terrestrial planet. It has a solid surface, is composed of silicate rocks and metals, and is relatively close to the Sun. However, it has a thick atmosphere mainly consisting of carbon dioxide, making it a host to a runaway greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, Venus is still considered a terrestrial planet.

4. Earth: Earth is a terrestrial planet. It has a solid surface, is composed of silicate rocks and metals, and is relatively close to the Sun. It supports a wide variety of life forms and is the only known planet with abundant liquid water.

From the given options, Uranus is the planet that is not a terrestrial planet.