Which planet has a different orbit than the rest, meaning it has a very elliptical orbit?



The correct answer is Mercury. Mercury has a very elliptical orbit compared to the other planets in our solar system.

The planet with a different orbit than the rest of the planets, meaning it has a very elliptical orbit, is Mercury.

To arrive at this answer, you can recall some basic knowledge about the solar system and planetary orbits. The orbits of planets around the Sun are generally elliptical, but some are more circular than others. An elliptical orbit is one that has a more elongated or stretched-out shape.

The easiest way to answer this question is to eliminate the incorrect options. Both Venus and Earth have relatively circular orbits, so they can be ruled out. Uranus, though it has a slightly tilted axis, still has a circular orbit. Therefore, Mercury is the correct answer as it has a highly elliptical orbit compared to the other planets.

Remember that when faced with multiple choices, it's essential to consider the characteristics of each option and eliminate the ones that do not fit the given criteria.