Talia noticed a sale at her favorite store. The points on the graph show how many items she bought of each. T-shirts were selling for $5 each, long sleeve shirts were $10 each, jeans were discounted to $15 each, and sweaters were on sale for $25 each. Name the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased

The point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased is the point on the graph labeled "Jeans".

Unfortunately, the graph showing the number of items Talia purchased is not provided. Without that information, we cannot determine the specific point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased.

To find the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased on the graph, we need to look for the data that represents the number of jeans purchased.

Since we don't have access to the graph you mentioned, I can explain how you can identify the point corresponding to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased on the graph:

1. Look for the axis that represents the number of items purchased. It can be the x-axis or the y-axis, depending on how the graph is set up.

2. Locate the data points that represent the number of jeans purchased. These points may be represented by dots, bars, or any other form of data representation on the graph.

3. Once you have identified the data points for jeans, you can see the point on the graph that corresponds to the number of pairs of jeans Talia purchased.

Remember, the specific point's coordinates will depend on how the graph is set up and the specific data given.