Which of the following is the last step when evaluating writing with a general rubric?

Evaluate the passage.

Read the criteria.

Read the passage.

Identify the score.

Evaluate the passage.

The last step when evaluating writing with a general rubric is to identify the score.

The last step when evaluating writing with a general rubric is to identify the score. To understand why, let's break down the process step by step:

1. Read the passage:
The first step is to read the writing passage carefully. This helps you familiarize yourself with the content, style, and overall structure of the piece.

2. Read the criteria:
Next, you should read the rubric criteria provided. The rubric outlines the specific elements or standards by which the writing will be evaluated. It typically includes categories like organization, content, language use, and mechanics.

3. Evaluate the passage:
After familiarizing yourself with the passage and the rubric criteria, you then proceed to evaluate the writing. This involves analyzing each aspect of the writing in relation to the rubric criteria. You assess how well the writing meets each criterion and assign a score or rating accordingly.

4. Identify the score:
Finally, once you have thoroughly evaluated the writing and assigned scores for each criterion, the last step is to identify the overall score. This involves combining or averaging the individual criterion scores to calculate a final score that represents an overall assessment of the writing quality.

So, to answer your question, the last step when evaluating writing with a general rubric is to identify the score based on the evaluation of the individual criteria.