Give me synonymous words for jealous

envious, covetous, begrudging, green-eyed, resentful, possessive, desirous

Synonymous words for "jealous" include:

1. Envious
2. Covetous
3. Green-eyed
4. Resentful
5. Bitter
6. Grudging
7. Competitive
8. Possessive
9. Suspicious
10. Insecure

Sure! If you're looking for synonymous words for "jealous," you could use terms like envious, covetous, or resentful. To find synonymous words, you can use a thesaurus. Here's how:

1. Online Thesaurus: Visit a reputable online thesaurus website, such as,, or
2. Enter the Word: Type "jealous" in the search bar.
3. Browse Synonyms: Look for the section that provides synonyms for "jealous." A list of synonymous words like "envious," "covetous," and "resentful" should be available.

By using a thesaurus, you can easily find a variety of words with similar meanings to "jealous."