Ellis is an esthetician who is preparing to apply chilled cucumber slices to a client’s eyelids. The client said she read online that eggplant can also be beneficial to the skin if chilled. What would be the BEST way for Ellis to respond? “Cucumbers have a better shape for fitting over the eyelids, so I don’t use eggplant.” “Eggplant provides some benefit to the skin but lacks the nutrients cucumbers have.” “It doesn’t matter what vegetables you use for this. Cucumbers are just traditional.” “You can try using eggplant at home, but I’m not allowed to use eggplant to treat the skin.”

“It doesn’t matter what vegetables you use for this. Cucumbers are just traditional.”

The BEST way for Ellis to respond would be:

“Cucumbers have a better shape for fitting over the eyelids, so I don’t use eggplant.”

The BEST way for Ellis to respond would be: "Eggplant provides some benefit to the skin but lacks the nutrients cucumbers have."

Explanation: Ellis should provide the most accurate and informative response to the client's query. By acknowledging that eggplant does offer some benefits to the skin, Ellis demonstrates knowledge and openness to alternative options. However, pointing out that cucumbers have specific nutrients that are beneficial for the skin, Ellis helps the client understand why cucumbers are typically used in this context. This response provides a well-rounded explanation while also acknowledging the client's interest in eggplant.