Adam buys 500kg of cucumber to sell in his shop. Based on previous record, there was 10%

spoilt cucumber that can’t be sold. The price of the cucumber is set at RM 2.80 per kg in order to
markup of 30% on overall cost. Calculate the cost price per kg.

First, calculate the total weight of cucumber that can actually be sold:

500kg - (10% of 500kg) = 500kg - 50kg = 450kg

Next, calculate the total cost of purchasing 500kg of cucumber:
Total cost = 500kg * RM 2.80/kg = RM 1400

Now, calculate the cost price per kg based on the total cost and the weight of cucumber that can be sold:
Cost price per kg = Total cost / Total weight that can be sold
Cost price per kg = RM 1400 / 450kg = RM 3.11/kg

Therefore, the cost price per kg of cucumber is RM 3.11/kg.