which of the following is NOT a way points are scored in basketball?

field goal
2 point goal
3 point goal


The correct answer is rebound. Rebounds are not a way points are directly scored in basketball. Rebounds refer to when a player successfully grabs the ball after a missed shot by their own team or the opponent's team.

To determine which of the following is NOT a way points are scored in basketball, let's examine each option:

1. Field goal: In basketball, a field goal refers to any shot made from the playing area. It can be worth 2 or 3 points, depending on whether the shot was taken inside or outside the three-point line.

2. Rebound: Rebounding occurs when a player retrieves the ball after a missed shot. While a rebound doesn't directly result in scoring points, it provides the team with another opportunity to score by maintaining possession of the ball.

3. 2 point goal: A 2-point goal is a field goal made from within the three-point line, typically close to the hoop. It is worth 2 points.

4. 3 point goal: A 3-point goal is a field goal made from beyond the three-point line. It is worth 3 points.

Based on the explanations above, we can conclude that the NOT a way points are scored in basketball is "Rebound." A rebound is an essential aspect of the game but does not directly contribute to the scoring of points.