Which of the following statements about American Romanticism is not true?

(1 point)
• Romanticism in American literature stemmed from Romanticism in British literature.
• Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.
• Gothic short stories are a subgenre of American Romanticism.
• Love is the primarv theme in the literature of American Romanticism.

Romanticism in American literature stemmed from Romanticism in British literature.

The statement "Romanticism in American literature stemmed from Romanticism in British literature" is not true. American Romanticism was influenced by British Romanticism, but it developed its own distinct characteristics and themes. American Romanticism emerged as a response to the social, political, and cultural context of the newly formed United States.

To determine which statement about American Romanticism is not true, we need to evaluate each statement and find the one that does not align with the characteristics of American Romanticism. Let's assess each statement:

1. Romanticism in American literature stemmed from Romanticism in British literature.
This statement is true. American Romanticism was deeply influenced by the Romantic movement in British literature, particularly the works of writers like William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Blake.

2. Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over reason and intellect.
This statement is true. One of the key tenets of American Romanticism was a focus on the power of the individual imagination and intense emotions. The movement sought to explore deeper truths through subjective experiences rather than relying solely on reason and intellect.

3. Gothic short stories are a subgenre of American Romanticism.
This statement is true. The Gothic genre, characterized by elements of mystery, horror, and supernatural, is considered a subgenre of American Romanticism. Prominent American Romantic writers like Edgar Allan Poe often utilized Gothic themes and settings in their works.

4. Love is the primary theme in the literature of American Romanticism.
This statement is not true. While love is a recurring theme in American Romantic literature, it is not the primary theme. American Romanticism explored various themes such as nature, individualism, the supernatural, intuition, and the imagination. Love, while significant, does not hold the central thematic position.

Based on the explanations provided, we can conclude that the statement "Love is the primary theme in the literature of American Romanticism" is not true.