What was Hamilton's main purpose in proposing a protective tariff?

a: to support American businesses
b: to raise money for the government
c: to make the north stronger than the south
d: to provide funds for the bank of the united states

The main purpose of Alexander Hamilton proposing a protective tariff was to support American businesses (option a).

Hamilton's main purpose in proposing a protective tariff was option a: to support American businesses.

Hamilton's main purpose in proposing a protective tariff was to support American businesses. To get this answer, we need to understand Alexander Hamilton's economic policies. Hamilton was a proponent of a strong central government and believed in the importance of industrialization and economic growth for the United States.

To find the answer to this question, we can look into Hamilton's economic plans and speeches. Hamilton's proposal for a protective tariff was outlined in his "Report on Manufactures" in 1791. In this report, he argued that tariffs on imported goods would make imported products more expensive and therefore encourage Americans to buy goods produced domestically. This, in turn, would support American industries and promote economic growth.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a: to support American businesses.