avier can text 200 words in five minutes. How many words can Javier text in one minute?(1 point) words/minute

To find the number of words Javier can text in one minute, we divide the total number of words (200) by the total number of minutes (5):

200 words / 5 minutes = <<200/5=40>>40 words/minute

Therefore, Javier can text 40 words in one minute.

To find the number of words Javier can text in one minute, we can divide the total number of words he can text in five minutes (200) by the number of minutes (5).

So, the calculation is:

200 words ÷ 5 minutes = 40 words/minute

Therefore, Javier can text 40 words in one minute.

To determine how many words Javier can text in one minute, we need to divide the total number of words he can text in five minutes by five.

Given that Javier can text 200 words in five minutes, we can calculate the number of words he can text in one minute using the formula:

Total words ÷ Total minutes = Words per minute

Therefore, to find out the number of words Javier can text in one minute, we can divide 200 words by 5 minutes:

200 words ÷ 5 minutes = 40 words/minute

So, Javier can text 40 words in one minute.