Write 5 soccer balls to 3 volleyballs as a ratio

The ratio of 5 soccer balls to 3 volleyballs can be written as 5:3.

To write the ratio of 5 soccer balls to 3 volleyballs, you simply write the number of soccer balls followed by a colon and then the number of volleyballs. So, the ratio is 5:3.

To write the ratio of 5 soccer balls to 3 volleyballs, we can simply express it as "5:3".

A ratio is a way to compare two quantities or numbers. In this case, we are comparing the number of soccer balls to the number of volleyballs.

To read this ratio aloud, you can say "5 to 3" or "5 for every 3." This means that for every 5 soccer balls, there are 3 volleyballs.

So, the ratio of 5 soccer balls to 3 volleyballs is 5:3.