During battle practice Thomas hits fifteen balls to the outfield eight balls eight balls to the right field and seven balls to left field. What is the ratio of the balls hit to left field to balls hit to right field Represent the ratio as a decimal and round it to the nearest hundredth.





The ratio of balls hit to left field to balls hit to right field is 7:8.

To find the decimal representation of this ratio, we divide 7 by 8:
7/8 ≈ 0.875
Rounding this to the nearest hundredth, we get 0.88.

Therefore, the correct answer is 0.88.

To find the ratio of balls hit to left field to balls hit to right field, we divide the number of balls hit to left field by the number of balls hit to right field.

The number of balls hit to left field is 7.
The number of balls hit to right field is 8.

So the ratio is 7/8, which in decimal form is 0.875.

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the ratio is approximately 0.88.

Therefore, the correct answer is 0.88.

To find the ratio of the balls hit to left field to the balls hit to right field, we divide the number of balls hit to left field by the number of balls hit to right field.

First, let's find the number of balls hit to left field, which is 7.

Next, let's find the number of balls hit to right field, which is 8.

Now, let's divide the number of balls hit to left field (7) by the number of balls hit to right field (8):

7 / 8 ≈ 0.875

To round the decimal to the nearest hundredth, we look at the thousandth place. Since the number in the thousandth place is less than 5 (i.e., 0), we don't round up. Therefore, the rounded ratio is 0.88.

So, the correct answer is 0.88.