Which of the following objects in space has ice on it?

A. Comets
B. Asteroids
C. Meteoroids

A. Comets

The object in space that has ice on it is A. Comets. Comets are made up of a mixture of ice, dust, and rocky material. As they approach the Sun, the heat causes the ice to vaporize and create a glowing coma around the comet.

To determine which of the objects in space has ice on it, we can break down the options and explore each one.

A. Comets: Comets are known for having ice on them. They are a combination of ice, dust, rocks, and other organic compounds that orbit the Sun. As a comet gets closer to the Sun, the heat causes the ice to melt, releasing gas and creating a glowing coma (a fuzzy atmosphere) around the nucleus. This coma forms a tail that points away from the Sun due to the solar wind.

B. Asteroids: While most asteroids are rocky and metallic, some of them may contain small amounts of ice. These asteroids, often called "icy asteroids," are thought to have formed in regions of the solar system where water and other volatile compounds remained frozen. However, the amount of ice on asteroids is generally much lower compared to comets.

C. Meteoroids: A meteoroid is a small rocky or metallic object that traverses space and enters Earth's atmosphere as a meteor if it survives the passage through the atmosphere. Since meteoroids are primarily composed of rock and metal, they typically do not contain ice.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Comets, as they are known to have ice on them.