A student creates a diagram comparing the sizes of objects in the solar system. Which two objects are often similar in size? (1 point)

asteroids and comets
asteroids and comets
comets and planets
planets and meteors planets and meteors
moons and meteors

asteroids and comets

The two objects that are often similar in size in the solar system are asteroids and comets.

To determine which two objects in the solar system are often similar in size, we need to have a basic understanding of the objects in question and their sizes. One way to find this information is by referring to reliable sources such as astronomy textbooks, scientific websites, or educational videos.

Here's how you can use these resources to find the answer:

1. Start by researching the different objects in the solar system. This may include planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and meteors. Look for information on their sizes and dimensions.

2. Once you have gathered the size information for each of these objects, compare them to find any similarities.

3. Pay particular attention to the sizes of asteroids, comets, planets, moons, and meteors. Look for any pairs of objects that are commonly described as similar in size.

4. Based on your research, you will find that asteroids and comets are often similar in size. This information can be found in scientific literature and online resources dedicated to astronomy.

So, the correct answer to the question is "asteroids and comets."